Difference between Adaptation and Natural Selection

The following table lists the difference between Adaptation and Natural Selection:



Natural Selection


The process or characteristic that enables an organism to successfully endure and procreate in its surroundings is referred to as adaptation.

Natural selection is an evolutionary phenomenon in which individuals possessing features that are advantageous to their surroundings are more likely to survive and reproduce than others.


Can be acquired or inherited.

Driven by the varied ways that different trait creatures survive and reproduce.


Happens over several generations or throughout the course of an individual’s lifetime.

Occurs over generations.


Organisms more adapted to their surroundings

A population’s increased prevalence of adaptive features over time.


The giraffe’s long neck, the polar bear’s white fur, and humans’ capacity to digest lactose.

Peppered moths, antibiotic-resistant bacteria etc.

Difference Between Adaptation and Natural Selection

Adaptation and Natural Selection are fundamental concepts used in the study of Biology. Natural Selection is a process in which living organisms adapt and change. Adaptation is a process that enables an organism to successfully grow and reproduce in its surroundings. The main differences between Adaptation and Natural Selection are in their mechanisms, timescale, and characteristics. In this article, we will look into the difference between Adaptation and Natural Selection as well as their characteristics.

Table of Content

  • Difference between Adaptation and Natural Selection
  • Adaptation
  • Natural Selection

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