Difference between Agent and Servant





An Agent is someone who acts on behalf of another person or entity, known as the principal, in legal matters or transactions.

A servant is a person performing domestic duties for another person who hires them.

Legal Relationship Agents typically work for someone under a contract or special agreement. Servants are workers who follow orders directly from their boss.
Independence Agents usually have more freedom to do tasks on their own and can make decisions without always asking their boss. Servants must do what their boss tells them and don’t have much freedom to make decisions.
Representation Agents can speak and act for the person they work for when making deals or agreements with other people. Servants can’t make deals or agreements for their boss; only the boss can do that.
Scope of Work Agents are hired for specific jobs or tasks and have certain things they’re allowed to do according to their contract. Servants have a list of things they’re supposed to do for their job, and they must do them as the boss says.
Accountability Agents have to answer to the person they work for if they do something wrong or don’t do their job properly.

Servants are responsible for doing their job correctly, and if they don’t, they can get in trouble with their boss.

Difference between Agent and Servant

A person can’t perform all the business transactions and tasks on his own. They always need help from someone because of a lack of time and business complexity. In such situations, people hire others to perform work for them on their behalf. Such persons are known as Agents. The contractual agreement between the principal and the agent is called a Contract of Agency. The word ‘Agent’ is often misunderstood with the word ‘Servant’. A servant is someone who serves others. The tasks performed by servants mostly include house cleaning, laundry, washing dishes, arranging tables, etc.

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Difference between Agent and Servant

Basis Agent Servant Meaning An Agent is someone who acts on behalf of another person or entity, known as the principal, in legal matters or transactions. A servant is a person performing domestic duties for another person who hires them. Legal Relationship Agents typically work for someone under a contract or special agreement. Servants are workers who follow orders directly from their boss. Independence Agents usually have more freedom to do tasks on their own and can make decisions without always asking their boss. Servants must do what their boss tells them and don’t have much freedom to make decisions. Representation Agents can speak and act for the person they work for when making deals or agreements with other people. Servants can’t make deals or agreements for their boss; only the boss can do that. Scope of Work Agents are hired for specific jobs or tasks and have certain things they’re allowed to do according to their contract. Servants have a list of things they’re supposed to do for their job, and they must do them as the boss says. Accountability Agents have to answer to the person they work for if they do something wrong or don’t do their job properly. Servants are responsible for doing their job correctly, and if they don’t, they can get in trouble with their boss....