Difference Between Apogamy and Apospory

The differences between Apogamy and Apospory are as follows:





Apogamy is defined as a process of asexual reproduction that takes place in plants sporophyte is developed from gametophyte without the process of fertilization

Apospory is defined as an asexual reproduction in plants where 2n gametophyte is developed directly from the cell of sporophyte without the process of meiosis.


In Apogamy the embryo is formed without the process of fertilization.

In Apospory gametophyte is formed without the process of formation of spores.


The process of Apogamy produces a haploid embryo.

The process of Apospory produces a diploid gametophyte.


Apogamy occurs in Funaria

Apospory occurs in Anthoceros

Factors Affecting

  • Far-red light intensity
  • Very low concentration of carbohydrates
  • Low light intensity
  • Young cells such as the tip of the leaf and shoot apex.

Discovered by

This process of Apogamy was discovered by Farlow in the year 1874.

The process of Apospory was first discovered by Druery in the year 1884.


Types of Apogamy:

  1. Obligate Apogamy
  2. Induced Apogamy

Types of Apospory:

  1. Soral Apospory
  2. Apical Apospory

Difference Between Apogamy and Apospory

The difference between apogamy and apospory lies in their reproductive processes. Apogamy involves the development of a sporophyte without fertilization, while apospory involves the development of a gametophyte from a somatic cell without meiosis. In both the apogamy and apospory process the formation of gametes does not take place.

In this article, we will cover the difference between apogamy and apospory along with some similarities in detail.

Difference Between Apogamy and Apospory

Table of Content

  • Apogamy Meaning
    • Apogamy Examples
  • Apospory Meaning
    • Apospory Examples
  • Difference Between Apogamy and Apospory
  • Similarities Between Apogamy and Apospory
  • Conclusion – Difference Between Apogamy and Apospory
  • Other Difference Related Articles
  • FAQs on Difference Between Apogamy and Apospory

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