Difference Between Breathing And Respiration


Breathing  Respiration


Breathing is the process through which the lungs inhale oxygen from the environment and exhale carbon dioxide back into it.

It is a process in which glucose and oxygen are broken down to provide energy for cellular activity.

Where does it take place?

It occurs in the lungs or gills.

It happens in cells.

Energy production

No energy is produced in this process

Energy is produced in the form of ATP

Cellular activity

Breathing is a procedure that occurs outside of the cell.

Respiration is a process that occurs within the cell.

Difference Between Breathing And Respiration

Difference Between Breathing And Respiration: Breathing is a mechanical process in which the volume of air in the chest cavity fluctuates. Respiration, on the other hand, is a biological process in which oxygen is supplied into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is removed from the body.

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Difference Between Breathing And Respiration


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