Difference between Cerebellum and Cerebrum

Differences between Cerebellum and Cerebrum are as follows:





The main functions of cerebellum are coordination and regulation of posture, movement and balance.

The main functions of cerebrum are controlling the voluntary functions such as will power, memory and intelligence.


The size of cerebellum is smaller than that of cerebrum.

The size of cerebrum is large than cerebellum as it is the largest part of central nervous system.

Part of

Cerebellum is the part of hindbrain.

Cerebrum is the part of forebrain.

Presence of cavity

Cerebellum has two cavities that are known as lateral ventricles.

Cerebrum has no presence of cavity.

Presence of hemisphere

Cerebellum has two cerebellar hemisphere that are connected to the brain stem.

Cerebrum has two cerebral hemisphere and each having four lobes.


The cerebellum is associated with memory in rare situations.

Cerebrum is always associated with the memory.


In cerebellum the vermis connects two sides of hemisphere.

In cerebrum the corpus collosum connects two sides of hemisphere.

Formation of arbor vitae

In cerebellum the white matter present forms arbor vitae.

In cerebrum the white matter present does not form arbor vitae.

Number of neurons present

Cerebellum consists of more than 50% of total number of neutrons present in the brain.

Cerebrum consists of less number of neurons as compared to cerebellum.

Difference Between Cerebellum And Cerebrum

Cerebellum and Cerebrum are both parts of the brain. The anatomy of brain consists of various parts. The cerebellum and cerebrum both are the parts of brain that control various actions of the body. 80% of the human brain is comprised of cerebrum whereas 11% of brain is composed of cerebellum. Both are different in terms of their functions, size, location, etc. The below article covers the difference between Cerebellum and Cerebrum in detail.

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