Difference Between Chromosome and Chromatid

The below table lists the difference between chromosomes and chromatids:





Composed of DNA and proteins.

Two identical copies of a chromosome formed during DNA replication.


Consists of a single DNA molecule—the DNA molecules tightly coiled around histone proteins.

Single-stranded DNA molecule. These two chromatids make a chromosome.

Chromosome Count

Each cell contains a specific number of chromosomes. It can be varied for different species.

The number of chromatids is double that of chromosomes during cell division.

Role and Responsibility

Exists independently. They carry genes for different traits.

Forms a new chromosome. They carry only identical genetic information.

Genetic Information

Transmits the genetic information to the offsprings.

Segregate the genetic materials during cell division.


Present in both body cells and reproductive cells.

Present only during cell division.


Visible under the microscope during cell division.

Visible only when a chromosome is duplicated and forms a pair.

Replication Process

Replication process starts during the S phase.

Rresult of chromosome replication.

Genetic material exchange

Genetic material exchanges during meiosis through processes like crossing over.

Genetic material exchange between non-sister chromatids during meiosis of cell division.

Meiosis Phase

Homologous chromosomes pair during meiosis.

Non-sister chromatids creates pairs during meiosis.


Ploidy is the number of sets of chromosomes presen in a cell.

Relevant to chromatids during cell division.

Segregation Process

Segregate during cell division to ensure each daughter cell receives a complete set or not.

Segregate during cell division to ensure the genetic continuity.

Role In Cell Division

Initiate cell division by aligning and segregating.

Direct role in the division process, separating and forming individual chromosomes.

Difference Between Chromosome and Chromatid

Chromosome and Chromatid, both are the major components of DNA replication. A chromosome consists of the genetic material (DNA) and various proteins which is a double-stranded ribbon-like structure. Chromatids are identical copies of chromosomes that form during cell division and duplication. Chromosomes are generally found in the nucleus of a cell. Chromatids are the half of a duplicated chromosome. Two sister chromatids create a complete chromosome.

Table of Content

  • Difference Between Chromosome and Chromatid
  • What is a Chromosome?
  • What is Chromatid?
  • Relation Between Chromosome and Chromatid
  • FAQs on Chromosome and Chromatid

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