Difference Between Cleavage and Fracture

The differences between cleavage and fracture are as follows:





It is the separation or splitting of bone tissue along natural lines.

It Complete or partial break of the bone, often due to trauma, stress, or disease.

Occurrence Lines

It Occurs along predetermined lines within the bone, such as sutures in the skull.

It Can have various patterns and classifications based on location, type, and completeness.

Common Location

It is typically seen in flat bones like the skull bones, where sutures exist.

It can occur in any bone in the body, with location and type varying based on the forces involved.

Severity and Intervention

It is less severe, may heal more easily, and may not always requirе medical intervention.

It requires medical attention, including realignment and immobilization.

Pediatric Occurrence

It can be a normal part of growth and development, especially in pediatric medicinе.

It is considered a pathological condition often associatеd with injury, accidents, or medical conditions.


Examples include suture lines in the infant’s skull bones.

Examples include femoral neck fracture, rib fracture, comminuted fracture, spiral fracture, etc.

Difference Between Cleavage and Fracture

Cleavage and fracture refer to the type of injury that occurs in the bone. Cleavage refers to a type of bone fracture where the bone cleanly and evenly breaks, into two pieces. It occurs when the bone experiences uniform pressure leading to a break. On the other hand, an oblique fracture occurs when the forces causing the fracture are not evenly applied, resulting in a broken bone.

The main difference between cleavage and fracture is the nature of breakage and the level of pain associated with them. Cleavage is affected by hormonal changes whereas fractures are frequently caused by stress or other external forces.

Table of Content

  • Difference Between Cleavage and Fracture
  • What is cleavage?
  • What is fracture?
  • Conclusion

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In conclusion cleavage is a lines or planes of weakness and separation within bones. It is mainly observed in the skull bones. The main causes include genetics, hormonal changes, and applied pressure. Fracture is a disruption in bone structure, resulting in cracks or breaks. It is caused by trauma, stress, or certain diseases. Its various types include open fractures, hairline fractures, and greenstick fractures. Symptoms are pain, swelling, bruising, deformity, difficulty moving. Diagnosis involves examinations and imaging tests like X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans....

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1. What is Cleavage?...