Difference Between Click-Through Rate and Conversion Rate


Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Conversion Rate


The percentage of people who click on a link compared to the total number of people who saw it.

The percentage of visitors who take a desired action (make a purchase, sign up, etc.) out of the total number of visitors.


Measures the effectiveness of getting people to click on a link or advertisement.

Measures the effectiveness of turning clicks into desired actions or outcomes.


Engagement level and interest in the content.

Effectiveness of the entire conversion process.


Helpful for assessing the appeal of content and advertising strategies.

Useful for evaluating the success of a specific action or goal completion.

Example Scenario

If a website has 100 visitors, and 10 of them click on a link, the CTR is 10%.

If out of those 10 clicks, 2 visitors make a purchase, the conversion rate is 20%.

Difference Between Click-Through Rate and Conversion Rate

In online advertising, any business person or seller wants to increase the sell of the business to track the success of the ads campaigns understanding the difference Between Click-Through Rate and Conversion Rate is much needed.

Click-Through Rate: Click-Through Rate indicates the percentage of people who click on a link compared to the total number of people who saw it.

Conversion Rate: Conversion Rate indicates the percentage of visitors who take a desired action (make a purchase, sign up, etc.) out of the total number of visitors.

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