Difference between Compute Engine and App Engine

  Compute Engine App Engine
Service model IaaS offering PaaS offering
Type of Service Unmanaged Service Managed Service
Control over resources More control and flexibility over resources Less control over computing resources
Costs Costs less than App Engine Costs more than Compute Engine
Running Instances When running application, at least one instance should be running Can scale down to zero instances when no requests are coming
Use cases Best for general computing workloads Best for web-facing and mobile applications
Autoscaling Slower autoscaling Faster autoscaling
Security Less secure than App Engine Comparatively more secure than Compute Engine

Difference Between Google Cloud Compute Engine and App Engine

Google Cloud Platform provides a wide range of computing services that target broad categories of user needs. 

The Google Cloud Platform provides mainly 6 types of compute options: –

  1. App Engine
  2. Compute Engine
  3. Kubernetes Engine
  4. Cloud Functions
  5. Cloud Run
  6. VMware Engine

Now let’s talk about some of these services in brief.

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Compute Engine

The Compute Engine service is Google’s unmanaged compute service. We can think of Compute Engine as an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering by Google Cloud. As the service is unmanaged, it is our responsibility to configure, administer, and monitor the system. On Google’s side, they will ensure that resources are available, reliable, and ready for you to use. The main benefit in using compute engine is that you have complete control of the systems....

App Engine

The App Engine is Google’s Platform as a Service(PaaS) offering. It is a compute service that provides a managed platform for running applications. As this is a managed service, your focus should be on the application only and  Google will manage the resources needed to run the application. Thus App Engine users have less to manage, but you will have less control over the compute resources. The applications hosted on App Engine are highly scalable and run reliably even under heavy load....

Difference between Compute Engine and App Engine:

Compute Engine App Engine Service model IaaS offering PaaS offering Type of Service Unmanaged Service Managed Service Control over resources More control and flexibility over resources Less control over computing resources Costs Costs less than App Engine Costs more than Compute Engine Running Instances When running application, at least one instance should be running Can scale down to zero instances when no requests are coming Use cases Best for general computing workloads Best for web-facing and mobile applications Autoscaling Slower autoscaling Faster autoscaling Security Less secure than App Engine Comparatively more secure than Compute Engine...