Difference between 2D and 3D Shapes

Below is a table of differences between 2D Shapes and 3D Shapes: 

Properties 2D Shapes 3D Shapes

2D Vs 3D Shapes: Distinguishing Properties

Dimensions A 2D shape has two dimensions- length and breadth. A 3D shape has three dimensions- length, breadth and height.
Mathematical Axes used X-axes, Y-axes. X-axes, Y-axes and Z-axes.
View 2D shapes are used to give simple view of an object. 3D shapes are used to give architectural view of an object.
Edges visible In 2D shapes, all the edges are clearly visible. In 3D shapes, some of the edges are hidden.
Explanation 2D shapes are easy to explain due to the visibility of all its edges. In 3D shapes, only outer dimensions can be explained.
Detailing It is easy to draw details in 2D shapes. Detailing becomes difficult in 3d shapes.
Examples Circle, Square, Rectangle or any other polygon, etc. Cylinder, Prism, tube, Cuboid, etc.
Drawing It is easy to draw 2D Shapes. 3D shapes are complex in drawing.

Difference between 2D and 3D Shapes

2D shapes are flat like pictures on paper, with just length and breadth but not depth. On the other hand, 3D shapes are like real objects you can touch, with length, breadth, and depth. They take up space, like a toy that you can hold. Examples of 2D shapes include squares and circles. Cubes, spheres, and cuboids are some examples of 3D shapes.

Let’s understand the difference between two-dimensional) and three-dimensional shapes in maths and their properties with the help of examples.

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