Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS



DBMS stores data as file.

RDBMS stores data in tabular form.

Data elements need to access individually.

Multiple data elements can be accessed at the same time

No relationship between data.

Data is stored in the form of tables which are related to each other.

Normalization is not present.

Normalization is present.

DBMS does not support distributed database.

RDBMS supports distributed database.

It deals with small quantity of data.

It deals with large amount of data.

Not all Codd rules are satisfied.

All 12 Codd rules are satisfied.

Security is less

More security measures provided.

Data fetching is slower for the large amount of data.

Data fetching is fast because of relational approach.

RDBMS Full Form

A database is an organized collection of data stored in a computer system and usually controlled by a database management system (DBMS). The data in common databases is modeled in tables, making querying and processing efficient.

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Features of RDBMS

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Uses of RDBMS

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Advantages of RDBMS

Easy to Manage: Each table can be independently manipulated without affecting others. Security: It is more secure consisting of multiple levels of security. Access of data shared can be limited. Flexible: Updating of data can be done at a single point without making amendments at multiple files. Databases can easily be extended to incorporate more records, thus providing greater scalability. Also, facilitates easy application of SQL queries. Users: RDBMS supports client-side architecture storing multiple users together. Facilitates storage and retrieval of large amount of data. Easy Data Handling:  Data fetching is faster because of relational architecture. Data redundancy or duplicity is avoided due to keys, indexes, and normalization principles. Data consistency is ensured because RDBMS is based on ACID properties for data transactions(Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability). Fault Tolerance: Replication of databases provides simultaneous access and helps the system recover in case of disasters, such as power failures or sudden shutdowns....

Disadvantages of RDBMS

High Cost and Extensive Hardware and Software Support: Huge costs and setups are required to make these systems functional. Scalability: In case of addition of more data, servers along with additional power, and memory are required. Complexity: Voluminous data creates complexity in understanding of relations and may lower down the performance. Structured Limits: The fields or columns of a relational database system is enclosed within various limits, which may lead to loss of data....

Difference Between DBMS and RDBMS

DBMS RDBMS DBMS stores data as file. RDBMS stores data in tabular form. Data elements need to access individually. Multiple data elements can be accessed at the same time No relationship between data. Data is stored in the form of tables which are related to each other. Normalization is not present. Normalization is present. DBMS does not support distributed database. RDBMS supports distributed database. It deals with small quantity of data. It deals with large amount of data. Not all Codd rules are satisfied. All 12 Codd rules are satisfied. Security is less More security measures provided. Data fetching is slower for the large amount of data. Data fetching is fast because of relational approach....

Frwquently Asked Questions on RDBMS – FAQs

Why SQL is used in RDBMS?...