Difference between Dispersion and Skewness




Focuses on the variability or spread of data points around the central tendency (mean, median).Focuses on the shape of the distribution and the direction of the skewness (left or right).


Common measures of dispersion include variance, standard deviation, range, and interquartile range (IQR).Common measures of skewness include Pearson’s first coefficient of skewness, moment skewness, and graphical methods like Q-Q plots.

Relationship to Mean

Dispersion measures are not directly related to the mean, although they can affect the mean’s interpretation when it is used as a measure of central tendency.Skewness provides information about the relationship between the mean and the median. Positive skewness implies that the mean is greater than the median, and negative skewness implies the opposite.


High dispersion indicates that data points are scattered or dispersed widely from the center, suggesting a wide range of values.Positive skewness indicates a right-skewed distribution with a longer right tail, while negative skewness indicates a left-skewed distribution with a longer left tail. Zero skewness suggests a symmetric distribution.


Dispersion measures are useful for understanding the variability of data and assessing how tightly or loosely data points are clustered around the central value.Skewness is useful for understanding the shape of a distribution and identifying whether it is skewed to the left or right. It helps assess the asymmetry of the data.


Examples of dispersion include the spread of test scores in a classroom, the variability of stock prices over time, or the range of ages in a population.Examples of skewness include income distributions (often right-skewed), response times for a website (potentially right-skewed with outliers), and exam score distributions (which can be either left-skewed or right-skewed).

Skewness – Measures and Interpretation

Skewness is a statistical measure that describes the asymmetry of the distribution of values in a dataset. It indicates whether the data points are skewed to the left (negative skew) or the right (positive skew) relative to the mean. Skewness helps understand the underlying distribution of data, which is crucial for decision-making, risk assessment, and predicting future trends.

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Difference between Dispersion and Skewness

Basis DispersionSkewnessFocus Focuses on the variability or spread of data points around the central tendency (mean, median).Focuses on the shape of the distribution and the direction of the skewness (left or right).Measurement Common measures of dispersion include variance, standard deviation, range, and interquartile range (IQR).Common measures of skewness include Pearson’s first coefficient of skewness, moment skewness, and graphical methods like Q-Q plots.Relationship to Mean Dispersion measures are not directly related to the mean, although they can affect the mean’s interpretation when it is used as a measure of central tendency.Skewness provides information about the relationship between the mean and the median. Positive skewness implies that the mean is greater than the median, and negative skewness implies the opposite.Interpretation High dispersion indicates that data points are scattered or dispersed widely from the center, suggesting a wide range of values.Positive skewness indicates a right-skewed distribution with a longer right tail, while negative skewness indicates a left-skewed distribution with a longer left tail. Zero skewness suggests a symmetric distribution.Application Dispersion measures are useful for understanding the variability of data and assessing how tightly or loosely data points are clustered around the central value.Skewness is useful for understanding the shape of a distribution and identifying whether it is skewed to the left or right. It helps assess the asymmetry of the data.Examples Examples of dispersion include the spread of test scores in a classroom, the variability of stock prices over time, or the range of ages in a population.Examples of skewness include income distributions (often right-skewed), response times for a website (potentially right-skewed with outliers), and exam score distributions (which can be either left-skewed or right-skewed)....