Difference between Emigrant and Immigrant





Moves to a foreign country to reside permanently.

Leaves their home country to reside elsewhere permanently.

Direction of Move

Moves into a new country.

Moves out of their home country.

Legal Status

Seeks residency or citizenship in the destination country.

Often obtains residency or citizenship in the destination country.

Reasons for Move

Seeking better opportunities, reuniting with family, fleeing persecution, etc.

Seeking better opportunities, family reunification, escaping unfavorable conditions, etc.


Adapts to the social, cultural, and economic aspects of the destination country.

May integrate into the new country’s society, but may also maintain ties with their home country.

Impact on Country

Contributes to the cultural diversity, economy, and social fabric of the destination country.

Contributes to the culture and economy of their new country while potentially impacting the economy and social fabric of their home country through remittances and other factors.

Economic Impact

May contribute to the workforce and economy of the destination country.

May contribute to the economy of their home country through remittances.

Social Networks

Forms new social connections and networks in the destination country.

May maintain social ties with family and friends in their home country while establishing new connections abroad.

Difference between Emigrant and Immigrant

The terms “emigrant” and “immigrant” both refer to individuals who move from one country to another, but they are used in different contexts. An immigrant is someone who arrives and settles in a new nation, whereas an emigrant is someone who leaves their country of origin. Emigrants depart, and immigrants arrive.

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Difference between Emigrant and Immigrant



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