Difference Between Endospore and Exospore

Below is the detailed difference between Endospore and Exospore:





Endospore is defined as a structure formed by bacteria and it consists of DNA and cytoplasm.

Exospore is defined as an asexual spore that is formed by fungus or algae.


Endospores are formed by Bacterial Generia, Bacillus, Clostridium, etc.

Exospores are formed by Actinomyces, Streptomyces, Actinobacteria etc.

Produced by

Endospores are produced by Bacteria.

Exospores are produced by fungi and algae.

Released by

Endospores are released by rupturing the mother cell.

Exospores are released by the process of budding.

Formation with the mother cell

Endospores are produced inside the mother cell.

Exospores are produced at the end of the mother cell.

Cell Division

During the formation of the endospore, the process of cell division is not involved.

Exospores are formed by the process of cell division

Formation by an organism Only one endospore can be produced by one organism. Multiple exospores can be produced by one organism.
Desiccation at 0% humidity Endospores have no effect on viability. Exospores have 23% of survival after 28 days at 25°C.

Difference Between Endospore and Exospore

Difference Between Endospore and Exospore: Endospores and Exospores both are reproductive and unicellular structures. These structures are formed by bacteria, fungi, and algae. The major difference is endospores are formed inside the mother cell whereas exospores are formed at the end of the mother cell. They differ from each other in regards to parameters such as the way they are produced, released, use of cell division, formation with mother cell, and other affecting environmental factors. Spores are the reproductive and unicellular structures. The main difference between endospores and exospores is based on the position of the spore.

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