Difference between extends and implements





Extends is used for class inheritance. It allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class.

Implements is used for interface implementation. It enables a class to provide specific implementations for the methods defined in an interface.

Multiple Inheritance

A class can extend only one class

A class can implement multiple interfaces

Implementation of Methods

No direct implementation of methods.

Requires the class to provide concrete implementations for all methods declared in the interface.

Code Reusability

Promotes code reusability

Promotes code reusability and abstraction through interfaces.

Abstract Classes

Can extend abstract classes

Cannot extend abstract classes but can implement abstract methods.

What’s the Difference Between ‘extends’ and ‘implements’ in TypeScript ?

In TypeScript, extends and implements are primarily used to define relationships between types and classes. In this article, we will learn the difference between ‘extends’ and ‘implements’ in TypeScript.

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Difference between extends and implements
