Difference between Fact and Opinion





A fact is defined as a statement that can be independently examined and shown to be accurate.

An opinion is a statement of judgment or conviction regarding a subject.

Based on

Fact depends on observation or investigation.

Opinion is predicated on conjecture.

What is it?

A fact is an objective reality.

An opinion is a subjective statement.


Statistics and supporting evidence can be used to validate facts.

Conversely, there is no proof to back up an opinion.

What Does it Represent?

Factual information explains what occurred.

That expresses a perception regarding something, as opposed to an opinion.

Can it Be Changed?

One of its fundamental traits is its universality and consistency across individuals, remaining constant without variation.

In contrast, each individual has a unique perspective on a given topic, making it unique from person to person.


Facts are presented with impartial language.

While opinion is stated using biased language.


It is impossible to dispute or argue with facts since they are true knowledge.

Opinions are subject to argument.


Universal acceptability.

Not universal acceptable.


Facts can influence opinions.

Opinions can never influence facts.

Words Used to Express

Demonstrated, proven, verified, confirmed, observed, etc.

Believe, think, feel, seems, possibly, etc.

Difference between Fact and Opinion

Facts and Opinions are sometimes used interchangeably, they imply quite different meanings. A statement’s validity determines whether it qualifies as a fact or an opinion. On the other hand, a fact is anything that is genuine or actual and is supported by records, proof, etc. Conversely, an individual’s opinion is their belief or thought about a certain matter. To put it more precisely, an opinion is a person’s viewpoint that may or may not be supported by facts, whereas a fact is a verified reality.

Table of Content

  • What are Facts?
  • What are Opinions?
  • Difference between Fact and Opinion
  • Conclusion
  • Difference between Fact and Opinion- FAQs

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Difference between Fact and Opinion

Basis Fact Opinion Meaning A fact is defined as a statement that can be independently examined and shown to be accurate. An opinion is a statement of judgment or conviction regarding a subject. Based on Fact depends on observation or investigation. Opinion is predicated on conjecture. What is it? A fact is an objective reality. An opinion is a subjective statement. Verification Statistics and supporting evidence can be used to validate facts. Conversely, there is no proof to back up an opinion. What Does it Represent? Factual information explains what occurred. That expresses a perception regarding something, as opposed to an opinion. Can it Be Changed? One of its fundamental traits is its universality and consistency across individuals, remaining constant without variation. In contrast, each individual has a unique perspective on a given topic, making it unique from person to person. Biasness Facts are presented with impartial language. While opinion is stated using biased language. Debatable It is impossible to dispute or argue with facts since they are true knowledge. Opinions are subject to argument. Acceptability Universal acceptability. Not universal acceptable. Influence Facts can influence opinions. Opinions can never influence facts. Words Used to Express Demonstrated, proven, verified, confirmed, observed, etc. Believe, think, feel, seems, possibly, etc....


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Difference between Fact and Opinion- FAQs

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