Difference between fseek() and rewind() in C

Following are some differences between fseek() and rewind():



fseek is used to move the file pointer to a specific position. rewind is used to move the file pointer to the beginning of the file stream.


int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int origin);


void rewind(FILE *stream);

It returns 0 if successful, and a non-zero value if an error occurs. It does not return any value.
The stream error indicator is not cleared. The stream error indicator is cleared.

Example: fseek(file, 10, SEEK_SET);

It moves the file pointer 10 bytes from the beginning of the file.

Example: rewind(file);

It moves the file pointer to the beginning of the file.

fseek() vs rewind() in C

fseek() and rewind() both functions are used to file positioning defined in <stdio.h> header file. In this article, we will discuss the differences in the usage and behavior of both functions.

fseek() Function

fseek() is used to set the file position indicator to a specified offset from the specified origin.


int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int origin);


  • stream: It is a pointer to the FILE stream.
  • offset: It specifies the number of bytes to offset from the origin.
  • origin: It indicates the position from where the offset is calculated. It can be one of the following:
    • SEEK_SET: Beginning of the file.
    • SEEK_CUR: Current position of the file pointer.
    • SEEK_END: End of the file.

Return Value

  • It returns 0 if successful, and a non-zero value if an error occurs.

rewind() Function

rewind() is used to move the file pointer to the beginning of the file stream.


void rewind(FILE *stream);


  • stream: It is the pointer to the file stream

Return Value

  • It does not return any value.

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