Difference between Greedy Approach and Dynamic Programming

Feature Greedy Approach Dynamic Programming
Optimality May not always provide an optimal solution. Guarantees an optimal solution if the problem exhibits the principle of optimality.
Subproblem Reuse Does not reuse solutions to subproblems. Reuses solutions to overlapping subproblems.
Backtracking Does not involve backtracking. May involve backtracking, especially in top-down implementations.
Complexity Typically simpler and faster to implement. May be more complex and slower to implement.
Application Suitable for problems where local optimization leads to global optimization. Suitable for problems with overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure.
Examples Minimum Spanning Tree, Shortest Path algorithms. Fibonacci sequence, Longest Common Subsequence.

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Difference between Greedy Approach and Dynamic Programming

Feature Greedy Approach Dynamic Programming Optimality May not always provide an optimal solution. Guarantees an optimal solution if the problem exhibits the principle of optimality. Subproblem Reuse Does not reuse solutions to subproblems. Reuses solutions to overlapping subproblems. Backtracking Does not involve backtracking. May involve backtracking, especially in top-down implementations. Complexity Typically simpler and faster to implement. May be more complex and slower to implement. Application Suitable for problems where local optimization leads to global optimization. Suitable for problems with overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure. Examples Minimum Spanning Tree, Shortest Path algorithms. Fibonacci sequence, Longest Common Subsequence....