Difference between Gunicorn vs Uvicorn

Here are the differences based on some features between uvicorn and Gunicorn.




Server Type

ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface)

WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface)

Suitable For

Asynchronous web applications (AsyncIO)

Synchronous web applications (Flask, Django)


Often used during development and testing

Typically used in production deployments


Can auto-reload application on code changes

Not designed for auto-reloading in development


Single-process server by default

Can spawn multiple worker processes

Production Use

Not ideal for high-traffic production

Designed for production with multiple workers


FastAPI, Starlette, etc.

Flask, Django, Pyramid, etc.


May require a reverse proxy in production

Suitable for directly serving web applications


Limited in handling concurrent connections

Efficient at handling a large number of connections


Can run WSGI applications with adapter

Designed specifically for WSGI applications

Fast API – Gunicorn vs Uvicorn

In this article, we will explore Gunicorn and Uvicorn in the context of FastAPI applications, examining two integral components essential for the deployment and execution of Python web services.

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Difference between Gunicorn vs Uvicorn

Gunicorn, a WSGI server, can be used alongside Uvicorn to serve FastAPI applications, despite not being specifically designed for ASGI. Commonly paired with frameworks like Flask and Django, Gunicorn boasts a mature ecosystem and is favored for production deployments. However, its synchronous nature, processing one request at a time per worker process, necessitates combining it with Uvicorn for optimal utilization of asynchronous programming in FastAPI....