Difference Between Head Terms and Long-Tail Keywords


Head Terms

Long-Tail Keywords


Main keywords for the core topic

More specific, longer niche keywords

Search Volume






Conversion Rate




“women’s shoes,” “laptop,” “TV”

“women’s running shoes under $100,” “best laptop for video editing,” “4K TV with HDR”


Easy to rank for, high traffic potential

More targeted traffic, higher conversion rates, less competition


High competition, lower conversion rates

Lower search volume, more difficult to rank for

Difference between Head Terms Keywords and Long-Tail Keywords?

In search engine optimization (SEO), understanding the difference between head terms and long-tail keywords is important. Head terms, often referred to as broad keywords, involve a broad range of topics or concepts, resulting in a high search volume but high competition. On the other hand, long-tail keywords, known for their specificity and lower search volume, offer a targeted approach to optimizing content and reaching their audiences. This article states the key differences between these two types of keywords, highlighting their significance in SEO strategies.

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Difference Between Head Terms and Long-Tail Keywords



Both Head Terms and Long-tail keyword have their own significance in SEO, Head terms is usually used to specifiy a broad range but long-tail keyword specify a in-detail query. Head terms drive more traffic but are harder to rank for, while long-tail keywords are easier to rank for but drive less traffic. A balanced approach to keyword targeting is best, utilizing both head terms and long-tail keywords to capture a wide range of searches and improve overall website traffic....