Difference between Json and Dictionary in Python



JSON keys can only be strings.

The dictionary’s keys can be any hashable object.

The keys in JSON are ordered sequentially and can be repeated.

The keys in the dictionary cannot be repeated and must be distinct.

The keys in JSON have a default value of undefined.

There is no default value in dictionaries.

The values in a JSON file are accessed by using the “.” (dot) or “[]” operator.

The subscript operator is used to access the values in the dictionary. For example, if ‘dict’ = ‘A’:’123R’,’B’:’678S’, we can retrieve data related by simply calling dict[‘A’].

For the string object, we must use double quotation marks.

For string objects, we can use either a single or double quotation.

In JSON, the return object type is a’string’ object type.

The ‘dict’ object type is the return object type in a dictionary.

Difference between Json and Dictionary in Python

In Python, dictionaries and JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) both facilitate structured data representation, yet they diverge in usage and syntax. In this article, we will discuss the Definition of JSON and Dictionary and the difference between JSON and Dictionary in Python.

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Difference between Json and Dictionary in Python
