Difference between KMP and Wu-Manber Algorithms?

KMP algorithm and Wu Manber algorithm are both string-matching algorithms, which means that they are used to find a substring within a larger string. Both algorithms have the same time complexity, which means that they have the same performance characteristics in terms of how long it takes for the algorithm to run.

However, there are some differences between them:

  • KMP algorithm uses a preprocessing step to generate a partial match table, which is used to speed up the string-matching process. This makes the KMP algorithm more efficient than the Wu Manber algorithm when the pattern that is being searched for is relatively long.
  • Wu Manber algorithm uses a different approach to string matching, which involves dividing the pattern into several subpatterns and using these subpatterns to search for matches in the text. This makes the Wu Manber algorithm more efficient than the KMP algorithm when the pattern that is being searched for is relatively short.

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