Difference Between Left and Right Kidney


Left Kidney

Right Kidney

Location It is placed on the left side of the body near the 11th and the 12th rib.  It is present on the right side of the body near the 12th rib.
Originate The left renal artery originates from the aorta The right renal artery originates from the inferior vena cava.
Size Larger in size.  Smaller in size.
Position It is positioned slightly higher.  It is positioned slightly lower.
Blood supply Blood is served by the left renal artery.  Blood is served by the right renal artery.
Weight  Usually weighs slightly more than the right kidney.  Usually weighs slightly less than the left kidney.
Veins  Drained by the left renal vein, which is longer and passes anterior to the aorta. Drained by the right renal vein, which is shorter and passes posterior to the aorta.
Relation to adrenal glands  The adrenal gland of the left kidney is usually larger and more separate from the kidney.  The adrenal gland of the right kidney is usually smaller and more intimately associated with the kidney.
Perinephric fat  More perinephric fat surrounds the left kidney.  Less perinephric fat surrounding the right kidney.

Difference Between Left and Right Kidney

The left and right kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine in the abdominal cavity. Despite their similar appearance and function, there are some differences between the left and right kidneys. The main difference between the left and right kidneys is that the right kidney is usually slightly lower than the left kidney, due to the presence of the liver on the right side of the body. The left kidney is positioned higher up, just below the diaphragm

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Right Kidney

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Difference Between Left and Right Kidney

Characteristic Left Kidney Right Kidney Location It is placed on the left side of the body near the 11th and the 12th rib.  It is present on the right side of the body near the 12th rib. Originate The left renal artery originates from the aorta The right renal artery originates from the inferior vena cava. Size Larger in size.  Smaller in size. Position It is positioned slightly higher.  It is positioned slightly lower. Blood supply Blood is served by the left renal artery.  Blood is served by the right renal artery. Weight  Usually weighs slightly more than the right kidney.  Usually weighs slightly less than the left kidney. Veins  Drained by the left renal vein, which is longer and passes anterior to the aorta. Drained by the right renal vein, which is shorter and passes posterior to the aorta. Relation to adrenal glands  The adrenal gland of the left kidney is usually larger and more separate from the kidney.  The adrenal gland of the right kidney is usually smaller and more intimately associated with the kidney. Perinephric fat  More perinephric fat surrounds the left kidney.  Less perinephric fat surrounding the right kidney....

FAQs on Left and Right Kidney

Q1: Can a person live with only one Kidney?...