Difference Between Manual Testing and Automated Testing

Parameters Manual Testing Automation Testing
Definition In manual testing, the test cases are executed by the human tester. In automated testing, the test cases are executed by the software tools.
Processing Time  Manual testing is time-consuming. Automation testing is faster than manual testing.
Resources requirement Manual testing takes up human resources. Automation testing takes up automation tools and trained employees.
Exploratory testing Exploratory testing is possible in manual testing. Exploratory testing is not possible in automation testing.
Framework requirement Manual testing doesn’t use frameworks. Automation testing uses frameworks like Data Drive, Keyword, etc.
Reliability Manual testing is not reliable due to the possibility of manual errors. Automated testing is more reliable due to the use of automated tools and scripts.
Investment In manual testing, investment is required for human resources. In automated testing, investment is required for tools and automated engineers.
Test results availability In manual testing, the test results are recorded in an excel sheet so they are not readily available. In automated testing, the test results are readily available to all the stakeholders in the dashboard of the automated tool.
Human Intervention Manual testing allows human observation, thus it is useful in developing user-friendly systems. Automated testing is conducted by automated tools and scripts so it does not involve assurance of user-friendliness.
Performance testing Performance testing is not possible with manual testing. Performance testing like load testing, stress testing, spike testing, etc. 
Batch Testing In manual testing, batch testing is not possible. You can batch multiple tests for fast execution.
Programming knowledge There is no need for programming knowledge in manual testing. Programming knowledge is a must in case of automation testing as using tools requires trained staff. 
Documentation In manual testing, there is no documentation. In automation testing, the documentation acts as a training resource for new developer. He/ She can look into unit test cases and understand the code base quickly. 
When to Use? Manual testing is usable for Exploratory testing, Usability testing, and Adhoc testing. Automated testing is suitable for Regression testing, Load testing, and Performance testing.

Manual Testing vs Automated Testing

The article focuses on discussing the difference between Manual Testing and Automation Testing. Before proceeding with the difference between the two terminologies, let’s discuss the terms in detail.

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Difference Between Manual Testing and Automated Testing

Parameters Manual Testing Automation Testing Definition In manual testing, the test cases are executed by the human tester. In automated testing, the test cases are executed by the software tools. Processing Time  Manual testing is time-consuming. Automation testing is faster than manual testing. Resources requirement Manual testing takes up human resources. Automation testing takes up automation tools and trained employees. Exploratory testing Exploratory testing is possible in manual testing. Exploratory testing is not possible in automation testing. Framework requirement Manual testing doesn’t use frameworks. Automation testing uses frameworks like Data Drive, Keyword, etc. Reliability Manual testing is not reliable due to the possibility of manual errors. Automated testing is more reliable due to the use of automated tools and scripts. Investment In manual testing, investment is required for human resources. In automated testing, investment is required for tools and automated engineers. Test results availability In manual testing, the test results are recorded in an excel sheet so they are not readily available. In automated testing, the test results are readily available to all the stakeholders in the dashboard of the automated tool. Human Intervention Manual testing allows human observation, thus it is useful in developing user-friendly systems. Automated testing is conducted by automated tools and scripts so it does not involve assurance of user-friendliness. Performance testing Performance testing is not possible with manual testing. Performance testing like load testing, stress testing, spike testing, etc.  Batch Testing In manual testing, batch testing is not possible. You can batch multiple tests for fast execution. Programming knowledge There is no need for programming knowledge in manual testing. Programming knowledge is a must in case of automation testing as using tools requires trained staff.  Documentation In manual testing, there is no documentation. In automation testing, the documentation acts as a training resource for new developer. He/ She can look into unit test cases and understand the code base quickly.  When to Use? Manual testing is usable for Exploratory testing, Usability testing, and Adhoc testing. Automated testing is suitable for Regression testing, Load testing, and Performance testing....