Difference between Melting and Boiling Point

Some of the differences between melting and boiling point are discussed below:

Melting Point vs Boiling Point

Melting Point

Boiling Point

During the process of melting matter changes from solid state to liquid state.

During the process of boiling matter changes from liquid state to gaseous state.

It occurs between a specific range of temperature.

It occurs at a particular fixed temperature.

Less heat energy from external source is required to obtain melting point as only has to break bonds which was existing between the molecules.

More heat is required from an external energy source as it has to overcome intermolecular forces between the molecules which exists in liquid state.

It occurs only at the surface of the solid.

It occurs throughout the entire mass of the liquid.

Examples of melting point of some substances are:

  • Lead (Pb): 327.5°C
  • Ice: 0°C
  • Aluminum (Al): 660.3°C

Examples of boiling point of some substances are:

  • Lead (Pb): 1749°C
  • Water: 100°C
  • Aluminum (Al): 2519°C

Similarities between Melting and Boiling point

Apart from many differences, melting and boiling point of the substance share some common characteristics and behavior. Some of them are discussed below:

  • Intermolecular spaces between the molecules increases due to absorption of heat energy during melting as well as boiling of the substance.
  • During melting and boiling of the substance, phase transition of a matter takes place.
  • Density of a matter decreases during melting and boiling of a substance.

Melting and Boiling Point

Melting and Boiling Point of a substance are the temperatures at which the state of matter changes from solid to liquid and liquid to gas respectively. These two temperature points are important to understand the physical properties of matter.

In this article, we will learn about the melting point, boiling point definition, their characteristics, factors affecting them, and boiling and melting point of some commonly known elements.

Table of Content

  • What is Melting Point?
  • What is Boiling Point?
  • Examples of Melting and Boiling Point
  • Melting and Boiling Points of Various Elements
  • Factors Affecting Melting and Boiling Point
  • Difference between Melting and Boiling Point

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