Difference Between Metals and Non-Metals

The differences between metals and non metals are added in the table below,





Metals are substances that are hard and have high tensile strength.

Non-metals are substances that are generally gases and not hard.


Yes, metals are generally found to be Malleable.

No, non-metals are generally non-malleable in nature.





Not brittle 


Tensile Strength

High tensile strength

Low tensile strength 


Good conductor of heat and electricity 

Poor conductor of heat and electricity







Physical State at room temperature  

Solid (except mercury and gallium)

Solid or gas (except Bromine)



 Low density

Valence Electrons 

1 to 3 electrons in the outer shell. 

4 to 8 electrons in the outer shell.


React with oxygen and form basic oxides.

React with oxygen and form acidic oxides.

Effects of Oxides formed on Litmus paper

Metal oxides turn red litmus paper into the blue.

Nonmetal oxides turn blue litmus paper into red. 


React with acids and produce hydrogen gas.

Do not usually react with acids.

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Difference between Metals and Non-Metals

Elements are chemically occurring natural substances that may be found in a free state or combined state. They are extracted from ores. ores are found deep inside the earth’s crust. The ores from which metals can be easily extracted are called minerals. By the definition of minerals, metals can be extracted. 

Based on their characteristics, elements are categorised as either metals or nonmetals. Much of the time, you can determine if an element is a metal by its metallic sheen, but this isn’t the sole distinction between these two broad categories of elements.

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