Difference Between N-Channel AND P-Channel MOSFET



It use electron flow as the charge carrier.

It use hole flow as the charge carrier.

Less heat produced.

More heat produced.

It has low input noise.

It has high input noise.

Drain current is positive.

Drain current is negative.

It has n-channel between source and drain.

It has p-channel between source and drain.

N channel MOSFET

A MOSFET is a three-terminal device in which the gate terminal is insulated from the channel by a silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer, therefore, it is also known as an insulated gate field effect transistor (IGFET), MOSFET works like a MOS capacitor which is controlled by the input gate to source voltage. That’s why MOSFET can also be used as a voltage-controlled capacitor.
In this article, we will discuss what is N channel MOSFET, its types and classification, testing, Applications, advantages and disadvantages, FAQs, Conclusion, etc.

Table of Content

  • Definition
  • Types
  • Enhancement Type N-Channel MOSFET
  • Depletion Type N-Channel MOSFET
  • Testing
  • N-Channel Vs P-Channel MOSFET
  • Applications
  • Advantages And Disadvantages

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What is N-Channel MOSFET?

The N-Channel MOSFET Is a type of MOSFET. In the N channel MOSFET, the channel is composed of the majority of the electrons as current carriers. When the MOSFET is activated, the majority of current flows due to electrons moving through the channel. While in the other type of MOSFET (P channel MOSFET), the majority of current carriers are holes. Upon the substrate a silicon dioxide layer is also coated to provide electrical insulation and the metal top of the silicon dioxide layer makes the gate, source, and drain regions. It is also called NMOS. In the Next Part we will be going through Enhancement and Depletion type MOSFET....

Types of N-Channel MOSFET

On the basis of working, construction and Characteristics, The N-Channel MOSFET is classified in to two parts, Which are given below....

Enhancement Type N-Channel MOSFET

In the enhancement type N-Channel MOSFET two n-regions are embedded in the p- type substrate. These two regions are Source and Drain electrodes which are heavily doped the regions between the Source and Drain electrodes is the channel region whose length is L and channel’s width is W. A thin silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer is coated on the substrate to provide electrical insulation, it is also covering the area between source and drain. The metal upon the silicon dioxide layer shapes the gate, source and drain electrode....

Working of Enhancement Type N-Channel MOSFET

The circuit diagram of enhancement type n channel MOSFET is shown in the figure , in which a positive voltage is applied around the gate terminal, when the applied voltage around gate to source terminal is zero (VGS = 0), then no current will flow due to absence of channel. The main working principle of the NMOS is to control the current flow and voltage flow between the source and drain terminals. That’s why NMOS works like a switch. When VGS is increases in the positive duration then the number of electrons near the silicon dioxide layer are increases and at a particular voltage a measurable current will be flowing due to the formation of channel ....

Characteristics Of N-Channel Enhancement Type MOSFET

The transfer characteristics and Output characteristics are shown below....

Depletion Type N-Channel MOSFET

In the Depletion type N-Channel MOSFET two n-regions are embedded in the p- type substrate. these two regions are Source and Drain electrodes, which are heavily doped, the regions between the Source and Drain electrodes is the channel region, whose length is L and width is W is made on the time of manufacturing the Depletion type MOSFET That’s why in Depletion type N-Channel MOSFET Channel Region is predefined. A thin silicon dioxide (SiO2) layer is coated on the substrate to provide electrical insulation and it is also covering the area between source and drain. The metal upon the silicon dioxide layer shapes the gate, source and drain electrode....

Working Of N-Channel Depletion Type MOSFET

The circuit diagram of N-channel Depletion type MOSFET is shown in the figure, in which the gate and source terminal are connected to the negative pole of the battery and drain is connected with the positive pole of the battery. When free electrons of source terminal are attached towards the positive potential of the drain terminal and drain current will be start flowing. If a negative potential is applied on the gate terminal is increases the gate terminal repel the conduction electrons of the channel and attract holes from P- type substrate and recombination takes place at the junction therefore the number of free electrons at the junction reduces. Therefore current is also reduces....

Characteristics Of N-Channel Depletion Type MOSFET

The transfer characteristics and Output characteristics of N-Channel Depletion Type MOSFET is shown below....

Testing Of N-Channel MOSFET

For the testing N-Channel MOSFET, we will connect Source with positive pin of multimeter and Drain will connected with the negative pin of the multimeter. In this condition the MOSFET is in forward bias state. Now the reading of the multimeter will be between 0.4 volt to 0.9 volt. If this value is not obtained or obtained value is zero or no value then our MOSFET is defective....

Difference Between N-Channel AND P-Channel MOSFET

N-CHANNEL MOSFET P-CHANNEL MOSFET It use electron flow as the charge carrier. It use hole flow as the charge carrier. Less heat produced. More heat produced. It has low input noise. It has high input noise. Drain current is positive. Drain current is negative. It has n-channel between source and drain. It has p-channel between source and drain....

Applications Of N-Channel MOSFET

There are some applications of N-Channel MOSFET....

Advantages And Disadvantages Of N-Channel Enhancement Type MOSFET

Advantages and Disadvantages of N-Channel Enhancement Type MOSFET are given below....


Now in the final statement we can say that N-channel MOSFET is better than the P-channel MOSFET because n-channel MOSFET is much faster than the p-channel MOSFET. In the n-channel MOSFET mobility of electrons is greater than the mobility of holes in p-channel MOSFET. N-channel MOSFET is used in various field like electric vehicles, motor control applications, current application etc. It is produces less heat and drain current is positive in the N-CHANNEL MOSFET....

FAQs on N channel MOSFET

How the drain current is modeled for the MOSFET ?...