Difference between process.stdout.write and console.log in Node JS are

Sr. no. process.stdout.write console.log
1 It continuously prints the information as the data being retrieved and doesn’t add a new line. It prints the information that was obtained at the point of retrieval and adds a new line.
2 Using process.stdout.write for a variable that shows an object. Using console.log for a variable shows a lot of unreadable characters.
3 It only takes strings as arguments. Any other data type passed as a parameter will throw a TypeError. It takes any JavaScript data type.
4 If we don’t put the break line at the end we will get a weird character after our string. We don’t need the break line here because it was already formatted and also that weird character did disappear
5 It can be useful for printing patterns as it does not add a new line. It is used when we want our result to be printed in a new line.

We can not write more than one string. For example: process.stdout.write("Hello","World"); Output: This will give a type error.

We can write more than one string. For example: console.log("Hello", "World"); Output: This will print Hello World in the console.


We can not make associations. For example: process.stdout.write("Hello %s", "All"); Output: This will give a type error.

We can make associations. For example: console.log("Hello %s", "All"); Output: This will print Hello All in the console.

Example: Below example is to show to use of process.stdout.write


// For process.std.out



Example: Below example is to show to use of console.log


// For console.log



Difference between process.stdout.write and console.log in Node JS

Both process.stdout.write and console.log in Node JS have basic functionality to display messages on the console. Basically console.log implement process.stdout.write while process.stdout.write is a buffer/stream that will directly output in our console.

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Difference between process.stdout.write and console.log in Node JS are:

Sr. no. process.stdout.write console.log 1 It continuously prints the information as the data being retrieved and doesn’t add a new line. It prints the information that was obtained at the point of retrieval and adds a new line. 2 Using process.stdout.write for a variable that shows an object. Using console.log for a variable shows a lot of unreadable characters. 3 It only takes strings as arguments. Any other data type passed as a parameter will throw a TypeError. It takes any JavaScript data type. 4 If we don’t put the break line at the end we will get a weird character after our string. We don’t need the break line here because it was already formatted and also that weird character did disappear 5 It can be useful for printing patterns as it does not add a new line. It is used when we want our result to be printed in a new line. 6 We can not write more than one string. For example: process.stdout.write("Hello","World"); Output: This will give a type error. We can write more than one string. For example: console.log("Hello", "World"); Output: This will print Hello World in the console. 7 We can not make associations. For example: process.stdout.write("Hello %s", "All"); Output: This will give a type error. We can make associations. For example: console.log("Hello %s", "All"); Output: This will print Hello All in the console....