Difference Between SHA-256 and SHA-3

Now that we have understood both of the algorithms, let’s take a look at the difference between the SHA-256 and the SHA-3 algorithm to have a better understanding about both of these algorithms.





SHA-256 is a member of the SHA-256 family.

SHA-3 is a different hash function.

Design Process

Developed by the National Security Agency (NSA)

Designed by the Keccak Team through an open competition organised by the NIST.


No known vulnerabilities as of current date.

No known vulnerabilities as of current date.

Block size

512 bits

Variable, with the most common being the 1600 bits.

Output size

256 bits

Variable, with standard output size being 224, 256, 384 or even 512 bits.


Generally faster due to the simpler structure.

Generally slower due to its more complex construction.


Susceptible to length extension attacks.

Resistant to length extension attacks.

Padding scheme

Uses the Merkle Damgard construction.

Uses the sponge construction.

Message schedule

Different from SHA-3.

Based on the Keccak’s permutation.

SHA-256 and SHA-3

Both the SHA-256 and SHA-3 are hashing algorithms, Both of these algorithms are very widely known and popularly used in the security as well as the cryptography of modern computers these algorithms are used in order to protect sensitive data as well as maintain the security of the systems so in this article, we will learn what SHA-256 and SHA-3 algorithms are as well as look at the difference among these two.

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What is the SHA-3 Algorithm?

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Difference Between SHA-256 and SHA-3

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In conclusion we learnt about both of the SHA-256 as well as the SHA-3 algorithms which are popularly used in the cryptography for modern computers and systems apart from this we also learned about the characteristics of each of these algorithms and then in the end we understood about the differences among each algorithm to have a better understanding about each of these algorithms....

Frequently Asked Questions on SHA-256 and SHA-3 – FAQs

How is SHA-256 used?...