Difference between Stocks and Bonds





Stocks represents ownership in a company or an entity.

Bonds are debt securities issued by governments, municipalities, or corporations to raise capital.

Type of Instrument

Stock is an equity investment.

Bond is a debt instrument.


Stocks represents ownership in a company.

Bonds represents a loan.


Income from stocks is usually generated through dividends.

Income from bonds is usually earned through interest or coupon rates.


There is higher risk in stocks due to market fluctuations.

Risk in bonds is less as compared to stocks.


There is no maturity date in stocks.

Bonds have a fixed maturity date.

Priority in Claims

In case of bankruptcy, stocks are given lowest priority.

In case of bankruptcy, bonds are given highest priority.

Market Influence

Stocks are affected by company performance, economic factors, and investor sentiment

Bonds are affected by interest rates, creditworthiness of issuer, and economic conditions.

Difference between Stocks and Bonds

Stocks and Bonds are both common types of investments, but they represent different ways of investing in a company. Stocks, also known as equities, represent ownership in a company; whereas, Bonds are debt securities issued by governments, municipalities, or corporations to raise capital.

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