Difference between the Confidence Interval and Confidence Label

Let’s understand the difference between the confidence interval and confidence label.


Confidence Interval

Confidence Label


A confidence interval is a range of values calculated from sample data that is likely to include the true unknown parameter of a population.

The confidence level represents the degree of confidence that the true parameter falls within the calculated confidence interval.


Numerical range (e.g., [Lower Bound, Upper Bound])

Typically expressed as a percentage (e.g., 95%)


The range within which the true parameter is expected to fall with a certain level of confidence.

The level of confidence in the estimation being made


A 95% confidence interval for the mean height is [65, 70]

We are 95% confident that the true mean height falls within the interval

Confidence Interval

In the realm of statistics, precise estimation is paramount to drawing meaningful insights from data. One of the indispensable tools in this pursuit is the confidence interval. Confidence intervals provide a systematic approach to quantifying the uncertainty associated with sample statistics, offering a range within which population parameters are likely to reside. This article seeks to provide a holistic understanding of confidence intervals and empower readers to wield this statistical tool with confidence in their data analyses.

Prerequisites: t-test, z-test

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