Difference between Throwing an Exceptions and Mono.error()


Throwing Exceptions



Gives signal errors.

Gives signal errors in reactive streams.


Disrupts reactive flow.

Adheres to Reactive Streams.

Error handling

Limited information, potential resource leaks.

Enables fine-grained error handling, avoids resource leaks.

Operator usage

May bypass operators.

Compatible with reactive operators.

Best practice

Generally discouraged.

Preferred approach in Spring Webflux.

Throwing an Exception vs Mono.error() in Spring WebFlux

In Spring Webflux, reactive programming is embraced, introducing concepts like Mono and Flux for asynchronous data handling. In this article, we will learn the differences between throwing exceptions and using Mono.error() in Spring Webflux.

Exceptions and Error Handling in Spring Webflux

  • Exceptions: Exceptions are commonly used in programs to indicate unexpected errors that disrupt the normal flow of execution.
  • Reactive Streams: Spring Webflux defines that errors within a reactive stream should be signaled through error notifications rather than exceptions.

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Difference between Throwing an Exceptions and Mono.error()
