Differences between GDP Nominal and GDP PPP


GDP Nominal



GDP Nominal measures the economic output of a country using current market prices.

GDP PPP adjusts the GDP by accounting for the differences in purchasing power among countries.


GDP Nominal is measured in the country’s national currency (e.g., USD, EUR, JPY).

GDP PPP is typically measured in international dollars, which are adjusted for purchasing power across countries.

Exchange Rates

GDP Nominal uses exchange rates to convert the national currency into a common currency for comparison.

GDP PPP uses purchasing power parity (PPP) rates that equalize the purchasing power of different currencies.


GDP Nominal may not accurately reflect the standard of living or the real economic output due to fluctuations in exchange rates.

GDP PPP attempts to provide a more accurate representation of the economic output and standard of living by considering purchasing power.


GDP Nominal allows for comparisons of economic output among countries in their own currencies.

GDP PPP enables comparisons of economic output among countries in a common currency, providing a more meaningful comparison.


GDP Nominal does not directly account for differences in price levels and inflation rates among countries.

GDP PPP adjusts for differences in price levels and inflation rates, providing a more meaningful comparison of living standards.

International Trade

GDP Nominal may be affected by international trade imbalances and fluctuations in exchange rates.

GDP PPP focuses on domestic purchasing power and is less affected by international trade imbalances and exchange rate fluctuations.

Economic Size

GDP Nominal tends to favor larger economies since it reflects the value of goods and services produced at market prices.

GDP PPP may provide a more accurate measure of economic size by considering the purchasing power of the population.

Development Measures

GDP Nominal may overestimate the economic development of countries with high inflation rates.

GDP PPP may offer a better assessment of the economic development by considering the purchasing power and cost of living.

Poverty Estimates

GDP Nominal does not directly reflect the poverty levels and income disparities among countries.

GDP PPP can be used to estimate poverty levels and income disparities by comparing the purchasing power of different populations.

Standard of Living

GDP Nominal may not accurately reflect the standard of living since it does not account for differences in price levels.

GDP PPP is often used to compare the standard of living among countries by adjusting for differences in price levels.

International Aid

GDP Nominal is typically used to determine the eligibility for international aid and loans.

GDP PPP may provide a better understanding of the actual economic needs and living conditions of a country.

Macroeconomic Analysis

GDP Nominal is commonly used for macroeconomic analysis and policy-making.

GDP PPP is also used for macroeconomic analysis but provides additional insights into relative economic strengths and living standards.

Exchange Rate Fluctuations

GDP Nominal can be heavily influenced by exchange rate fluctuations, impacting the rankings of countries.

GDP PPP is less affected by exchange rate fluctuations, providing more stable rankings for international comparisons.

Trade and Investments

GDP Nominal is typically used to evaluate trade balances and attract foreign investments.

GDP PPP is often considered when assessing market potential and the purchasing power of consumers in a country.

World Rankings

GDP Nominal rankings and GDP PPP rankings can differ significantly, resulting in different positions for countries in global rankings.

GDP PPP rankings may provide a different perspective on the economic standing and potential of countries compared to GDP Nominal rankings.

Difference Between GDP And PPP

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the economic output of a country. It represents the total value of all goods and services produced within a country’s borders over a specific period. GDP can be calculated using different methods, including nominal GDP and GDP based on purchasing power parity (PPP). The distinction between nominal GDP and GDP PPP lies in the way they account for price levels and exchange rates.

Nominal vs PPP

Table of Content

  • Meaning of GDP Nominal
  • Meaning of GDP PPP
  • Differences between GDP Nominal and GDP PPP
  • Frequently Asked Questions

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