Differences between Sporophyte and Gametophyte

  • The main differentiation point between sporophyte and gametophyte is that the sporophyte is a diploid structure that participates in asexual plant reproduction, whereas the gametophyte is a haploid structure which participates in sexual reproduction.
  • Due to the formation of the zygote, the sporophyte represents the diploid phase (2N), whereas the gametophyte represents the haploid phase (N), as a result of the occurrence of meiosis.
  • The first cell in a sporophyte generation is the diploid zygote, and the first cell in a gametophyte generation is the haploid spore.
  • The sporophyte stage grows on the gametophyte stage in Bryophytes, Psilophytes, and Lycophytes where the gametophyte stage is larger and more dominant.
  • The sporophyte phase is considerably larger and more dominant in angiosperms and gymnosperms, while the gametophyte phase is smaller.
  • The sporophyte generation is represented by the asexual phase, and the gametophyte generation is represented by the sexual phase.





The haploid stage of plants is known as the gametophyte. It creates the zygote that gives rise to the sporophyte as well as gametes.

The diploid stage of plants is called the sporophyte. The gametophyte develops from the spores that it produces.

In Bryophytes

The primary independent plant body is the gametophyte.

The gametophyte is necessary for the sporophyte.

In Pteridophytes and Higher Plants

A reduced number of gametophyte is present.

Sporophyte has the dominant position.


The gametophyte is haploid.

The sporophyte is diploid.


A meiospore’s germination results in the development of the gametophyte.

The sporophyte grows from the zygote.


 A single set of chromosomes is present in Gametophyte

Two sets of chromosomes are present in sporophytes.


Gametophytes reproduce sexually

Sporophytes reproduce asexually


Meiosis produces the gametophyte.

Mitosis produces the Sporophyte.


Male and female gametes are produced by the gametophyte.

Microspores and megaspores are produced by the Sporophyte.

Sex Organs

Gametangia (archegonia and antheridia).


Difference Between Sporophyte and Gametophyte

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Question 1: What is meant when gametophyte is said to depend on a sporophyte?...