Different attributes for TextClock widget

XML attributes Description
android:id Used to specify the id of the view.
android:timeZone Used to specify the zone for the time.
android:format12Hour Used for the 12 hour format.
android:format24Hour Used for the 24 hour format.
android:text Used to specify the text.
android:textStyle Used to specify the style of the text.
android:textSize Used to specify the size of the text.
android:background Used to set the background of the view.
android:padding Used to set the padding of the view.
android:visibility Used to set the visibility of the view.
android:gravity Used to specify the gravity of the view like center, top, bottom, etc

TextClock in Kotlin

Android TextClock is a user interface control that is used to show the date/time in string format.

It provides time in two modes, the first one is to show the time in 24 Hour format and another one is to show the time in 12-hour format. We can easily use is24HourModeEnabled() method, to show the system using TextClock in 24 Hours or 12 Hours format.

First, we create a new project by following the below steps: 

  1. Click on File, then New => New Project.
  2. After that include the Kotlin support and click on next.
  3. Select the minimum SDK as per convenience and click next button.
  4. Then select the Empty activity => next => finish.

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Different attributes for TextClock widget

XML attributes Description android:id Used to specify the id of the view. android:timeZone Used to specify the zone for the time. android:format12Hour Used for the 12 hour format. android:format24Hour Used for the 24 hour format. android:text Used to specify the text. android:textStyle Used to specify the style of the text. android:textSize Used to specify the size of the text. android:background Used to set the background of the view. android:padding Used to set the padding of the view. android:visibility Used to set the visibility of the view. android:gravity Used to specify the gravity of the view like center, top, bottom, etc...

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