Different People, Different Goals

Different people have different goals, as given in the table below:

Category of Person Developmental Goals / Aspirations
Landless Rural Labourers More days of work and better wages – Local schools providing quality education for their children – Elimination of social discrimination, enabling them to become leaders in the village.
Prosperous Farmers from Punjab Assured high family income through higher crop support prices and affordable labor – Aspiration for children to settle abroad.
Farmers Dependent on Rainfall Reliable rainfall for bountiful harvests, ensuring livelihoods and family sustenance.
Rural Woman from Landowning Family Equal freedoms and opportunities as male counterparts – Autonomy in decision-making regarding her future.
Urban Unemployed Youth Meaningful employment opportunities providing fulfillment and purpose.
Boy from Rich Urban Family Opportunities for personal growth and achievement, carrying forward family legacy.
Girl from Rich Urban Family Equal opportunities and freedoms, free from societal constraints and gender norms.
Adivasi from Narmada Valley Development harmonizing with nature and preserving cultural heritage – Recognition, respect, and preservation of ancestral lands.

Individuals seek different things in development based on their unique aspirations and desires. These aspirations may conflict with each other, causing tension or disagreement. For example, a girl may desire equal freedom and opportunity as her brother, including sharing household responsibilities, which her brother may oppose.

Similarly, industrialists may seek more dams to increase electricity production, but this could harm tribal communities by displacing them from their land. Tribals may prefer smaller dams or tanks for irrigation, prioritizing their land and way of life over industrial development.

These conflicting desires highlight the complexity of development goals and the importance of considering diverse perspectives. Balancing competing interests is important for achieving sustainable and inclusive development. It means that

  • Different persons can have different developmental goals.
  • What may be development for one may not be development for the other. It may even be destructive for the other.

What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals: Class-10 Notes

The concept of development offers different opportunities and dreams to different people. Each person has their own vision of progress, shaped by their unique hopes and desires. For some, it’s about fair wages and better education, while for others, it’s about prosperity and success. Each individual’s idea of development is influenced by their background and aspirations, underlining the importance of understanding and respecting these differences.

In this article, we will look into What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals and Income and Other Goals. It is an important concept of Class 10 Economics. Students can go through this article to get comprehensive notes on “What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals”.

Table of Content

  • What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals
  • Different People, Different Goals
  • Income and Other Goals
  • Conclusion: What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals

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FAQs on What Development Promises – Different People, Different Goals

How would you define development?...