Different Types of Waves

Waves are classified into various types based on their diverse features.

  • Based on Medium of Wave
  • Based on Limitation of Motion
  • Based on Dimension of Propagation

Types of Waves

Wave is a disturbance in some substance that propagates from one place to another through the medium or without a medium. There are different types of waves such as Mechanical, Electromagnetic or Matter. Waves have the ability to travel through solids, liquids, and gases. Waves come in various forms, such as transverse, longitudinal, or neither. While Waves transport energy and momentum, they don’t carry any mass. In this article, we will understand the definition of Wave and various Types of Waves in detail along with their Properties and uses.

Table of Content

  • What are Waves?
  • Types of Waves
  • Mechanical Waves
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Matter Wave
  • Wave Speed Formula

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