Different Ways to Make Your Application Scalable

1. Make It Bigger (Vertical Scaling):

This is like giving your car a bigger engine. You’re adding more power to the same vehicle. In tech terms, you boost your server’s capacity with more CPU, memory, or storage. It’s good for smaller apps, but it has limits because you can’t infinitely upgrade hardware.

2. Get More Cars (Horizontal Scaling):

Imagine you have a fleet of cars, and they all share the load. This is what horizontal scaling does. You add more servers or instances to your app, spreading the workaround. It’s great for big apps with lots of users, and it keeps things running smoothly.

3. Divide and Conquer (Microservices):

Think of your app as a puzzle, and each piece of the puzzle is a separate service. Microservices break your app into these pieces, and you can scale up only the parts that need it. It’s like upgrading one section of a highway that’s congested, instead of the entire road.

4. No Servers, No Problems (Serverless):

Imagine you don’t have to worry about maintaining your car at all; it just works when you need it. That’s what serverless does for your app. It automatically handles the scaling for you. It’s cost-efficient and great for unpredictable workloads.

Which Scalability approach is right for our Application? | System Design

In today’s digital world, the success of an application often depends on its ability to grow smoothly as more users come on board. This is where scalability comes into play. Scalability means making sure your app can handle more users and data without slowing down or crashing. But how do you choose the best way to make your app scalable? In this article, we’ll break it down into simple terms.

Important Topics for the Right Scalability Approach for Your Application

  • Scalability
  • Different Ways to Make Your Application Scalable
  • What Influences Your Choice for choosing the correct method of scalability?
  • Making the Right Choice
  • How to Test Your App’s Scalability
  • Conclusion

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