Differential vs Integrated Rate Laws

There are some key differences between both differential and integrated rate laws, which are listed in the following table:

Differential Rate Law

Integrated Rate Law

Describes the rate of change of concentration with respect to time.Describes the relationship between concentration and time.
Represents the rate equation in terms of initial concentrations and rate constants.Represents the concentration of reactants or products as a function of time.
Provides information about the instantaneous rate of a reaction at a specific moment in time.Provides information about the overall change in concentration over a given time interval.
Can vary with time and is dependent on the concentration of reactants.Remains constant for a specific reaction under constant conditions.
Typically expressed as a differential equation, involving derivatives.Usually expressed as a mathematical equation, relating concentrations and time.
Helpful in determining the order of a reaction and the reaction rate constant.Useful for determining reaction orders and obtaining information about reaction mechanisms.
Represents the rate of change at a specific point on the reaction progress curve.Represents the cumulative effect of the reaction at different time points.

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Integrated Rate Laws

Integrated Rate Law is one of the fundamental concepts in the field of chemical kinetics, which is the branch of chemistry that deals with the speed or rate of reactions and various other factors affecting them. Integrated Rate Law tells us about the rate of the reaction for various different reactions such as zeroth order, first order, and second order, etc. Rate Law helps us from measuring rates to predicting the concentration of the reactants, which further helps scientists and scholars to unfold the mysteries of chemical transformations. 

This article helps us learn about Integrated Rate Law and its derivation for various reactions. We will also learn how to solve numerical problems based on the Rate Law.

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