Dimensions of Political Behaviour

In the realm of organisational politics, several key dimensions come into play, shaping the dynamics and outcomes within an organisation:

  1. Conflict: In any organisation, conflicts of interest, diverging opinions, and competition for resources or influence are inevitable. Such conflicts often serve as a breeding ground for political behaviour.
  2. Power Sources: Various sources of power influence organisational politics. Personal power, emanating from an individual’s charisma or expertise, intertwines with positional power derived from formal roles and authority within the organisation.
  3. Compatibility: The effective navigation between individual self-interest and the broader goals of the organisation is vital in organisational politics. Striking a balance between these two aspects is crucial for exhibiting effective political behaviour.
  4. Dysfunctional Political Behaviour: Within the realm of organisational politics, certain behaviours can be detrimental to the organisation. Scapegoating, passive-aggressive actions, red-tape tactics, sabotage, and palace politics undermine organisational effectiveness and must be avoided.
  5. Functional Political Behaviour: Conversely, some political behaviours can positively contribute to an organisation. Strategic actions, coalition building, negotiation, and influencing decisions that align with organisational goals are examples of functional political behaviour.
  6. Opportunity Structures: The opportunity structures within an organisation shape the political behaviour of individuals. These structures define the channels and avenues through which individuals can exert their political influence.
  7. Organisational Impact: The dimensions of organisational politics have profound implications for the organisation as a whole. Dysfunctional political behaviour hampers organisational performance, while functional political behaviour enhances decision-making and facilitates goal achievement.

Organisational Politics | Concept, Features and Dimensions

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