Disadvantages of Bisection Method

  • Convergence is relatively slow (linear convergence rate).
  • Does not exploit the function’s values within the interval for faster convergence.


X2= (X0 + X1) / 2


Problem: Find a root of an equation f(x)=x3-x-1 


Given equation  f(x)=x3-x-1

let x  = 0, 1, 2

In 1st iteration :

f(1)=-1<0 and f(2)=5>0

Root lies between these two points 1 and 2

x0=1+2/2 = 1.5


In 2nd iteration :

f(1)=-1<0 and f(1.5)=0.875>0

Root lies between these two points 1 and 1.5

x1=1+1.5/2 =1.25


In 3rd iteration :

f(1.25)=-0.29688<0 and f(1.5)=0.875>0

Root lies between these two points 1.25 and 1.5

x2=1.25+1.5/2 = 1.375


In 4th iteration :

f(1.25)=-0.29688<0 and f(1.375)=0.22461>0

Root lies between these two points 1.25 and 1.375



In 5th iteration :

f(1.3125)=-0.05151<0 and f(1.375)=0.22461>0

Root lies between these two points 1.3125 and 1.375



In 6th iteration :

f(1.3125)=-0.05151<0 and f(1.34375)=0.08261>0

Root lies between these two points 1.3125 and 1.34375



In 7th iteration :

f(1.3125)=-0.05151<0 and f(1.32812)=0.01458>0

Root lies between these two points 1.3125 and 1.32812

x6=1.3125+1.32812/2 =1.32031


In 8th iteration :

f(1.32031)=-0.01871<0 and f(1.32812)=0.01458>0

Root lies between these two points 1.32031 and 1.32812



In 9th iteration :

 f(1.32422)=-0.00213<0 and f(1.32812)=0.01458>0

Root lies between these two points 1.32422 and 1.32812



In 10th iteration :

f(1.32422)=-0.00213<0 and f(1.32617)=0.00621>0

Root lies between these two points 1.32422 and 1.32617



In 11th iteration :

f(1.32422)=-0.00213<0 and f(1.3252)=0.00204>0

Root lies between these two points 1.32422 and 1.3252



The approximate root of the equation x3-x-1=0 using the Bisection method is 1.32471

Difference Between Bisection Method and Regula Falsi Method

The bisection method is used to find the roots of non-linear equations of the form f(x) = 0 non-linear equations based on the repeated application of the intermediate value property. Let f(x) be a continuous function in the closed interval [x1,x2], if f(x1), and f(x2) are of opposite signs, then there is at least one root α in the interval (x1,x2), such that f(α) = 0.

Table of Content

  • Bisection Method
  • Advantages of Bisection Method
  • Disadvantages of Bisection Method
    • Formula
  • Regula Falsi Method
  • Advantages of Regula Falsi Method
  • Disadvantages of Regula Falsi Method
    • Formula
  • Differences between Bisection Method and Regula False Method

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Differences between Bisection Method and Regula False Method

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Conclusion – Difference Between Bisection Method and Regula Falsi Method

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