Disadvantages Of DevOps On AWS

The following are the disadvantages of devops on AWS:

  • Limited Customization: While AWS offers a range of services, some organizations might require specific devops functionalities or customization options that may not available on AWS.
  • Vendor Lock-in: Building or creating a DevOps pipeline which is completely developed on AWS may result into vendor lock-in, making organizations or individual users difficult to migrate to other cloud providers such as Azure, Google Cloud Platform in the future.
  • Limited Control: While AWS offers extensive control over resources, some organizations might want more control over their infrastructure that might not be achievable within the AWS environment.

Automation And Tooling – Introduction To DevOps On AWS

AWS Stands for Amazon Web Services is a cloud platform provided by Amazon. It offers computing, storage, networking, etc. services to organizations or individual users over the Internet. organizations can host their servers, databases, and other networking needs on AWS without worrying about managing them manually, all the setup required to handle such needs is completely managed by AWS. It is considered the most popular cloud provider. AWS has large and growing customers ranging from startups to large public sector organizations.

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