Disadvantages of Electric Current

Dis-advantages of electric current:

  • Any carelessness while dealing with electric current can be dangerous. The human body already conducts electricity, and after meeting live electricity, an electric current flows through tissues that cause an electric shock, also called electrocution. We often hear about such incidents.
  • It can cause other injuries like flame, lightning, flash, and true. These can cause fire-breakouts. Places having electric wiring are more prone to fires due to electric short circuit.
  • Electric vehicles can cause electric emission. Electric vehicles are worse for the climate than gasoline, petrol, or diesel vehicles because of the power plant emission.
  • Generation of electricity requires a cost. This cost is high and in addition to this cost we have a cost of maintenance too.

Electric Current Formula

Current constitutes the basis of almost every electronic application. We use the current to turn on almost every appliance. We want it to heat water in an electric kettle, We want it to turn on the heater, and we want electric current to charge our devices. So we see current forms a large part of our life. In this article, we try to study what is this current. Electric current is the flow of one coulomb of electricity per second.

We talk about the definition of current, the symbol used to represent current. We study about charges that constitute, and we study the origin of the current. Not only this but we also study how current flows through an example. We try to differentiate between AC and DC. The article ends by mentioning some advantages, disadvantages, and some real-life applications of current. Solved examples have been added for a better understanding of the concepts.

Table of Content

  • What is Electric Current?
  • Origin of Current
  • Mathematical Derivation
  • Types
  • Generation of Current
  • Properties
  • Solved Examples
  • Applications

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