Disadvantages of Text Mining

  • Complexity: Text mining can be a complex process requiring advanced skills in natural language processing and machine learning.
  • Quality of Data: The quality of text data can vary, affecting the accuracy of the insights extracted from text mining.
  • High Computational Cost: Text mining requires high computational resources, and it may be difficult for smaller organizations to afford the technology.
  • Limited to Text Data: Text mining is limited to extracting insights from unstructured text data and cannot be used with other data types.
  • Noise in text mining results: Text mining of documents may result in mistakes. It’s possible to find false links or to miss others. In most situations, if the noise (error rate) is sufficiently low, the benefits of automation exceed the chance of a larger mistake than that produced by a human reader.
  • Lack of transparency: Text mining is frequently viewed as a mysterious process where large corpora of text documents are input and new information is produced. Text mining is in fact opaque when researchers lack the technical know-how or expertise to comprehend how it operates, or when they lack access to corpora or text mining tools.

Text Mining in Data Mining

In this article, we will learn about the main process or we should say the basic building block of any NLP-related tasks starting from this stage of basically Text Mining.

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Text Mining Techniques

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Overview of Text Mining Techniques

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Text Mining Applications

Digital Library: Various text mining strategies and tools are being used to get the pattern and trends from journal and proceedings which is stored in text database repositories. These resources of information help in the field of research area. Libraries are a good resource for text data in digital form. It gives a novel technique for getting useful data in such a way that makes it conceivable to access millions of records online. A green-stone international digital library that supports numerous languages and multilingual interfaces gives a springy method for extracting reports that handle various formats, i.e. Microsoft Word, PDF, postscript, HTML, scripting languages, and email. It additionally supports the extraction of audiovisual and image formats along with text documents. Text Mining processes perform different activities like document collection, determination, enhancement, removing data, and handling substances, and Producing summarization. Academic and Research Field: In the education field, different text-mining tools and strategies are utilized to examine the instructive patterns in a specific region/research field. The main purpose of text mining utilization in the research field is help to discover and arrange research papers and relevant material from various fields on one platform. For this, we use k-Means clustering and different strategies help to distinguish the properties of significant data. Also, student performance in various subjects can be accessed, and how various qualities impact the selection of subjects evaluated by this mining. Life Science: Life science and healthcare industries are producing an enormous volume of textual and mathematical data regarding patient records, sicknesses, medicines, symptoms, and treatments of diseases, etc. It is a major issue to filter data and relevant text to make decisions from a biological data repository. The clinical records contain variable data which is unpredictable, and lengthy. Text mining can help to manage such kinds of data. Text mining is used in biomarkers disclosure, the pharmacy industry, clinical trade analysis examination, clinical study, and patent competitive intelligence also. Social-Media: Text mining is accessible for dissecting and analyzing web-based media applications to monitor and investigate online content like the plain text from internet news, web journals, emails, blogs, etc. Text mining devices help to distinguish and investigate the number of posts, likes, and followers on the web-based media network. This kind of analysis shows individuals’ responses to various posts, and news and how it spread around. It shows the behavior of people who belong to a specific age group and variations in views about the same post.   Business Intelligence: Text mining plays an important role in business intelligence that help different organization and enterprises to analyze their customers and competitors to make better decisions. It gives an accurate understanding of business and gives data on how to improve consumer satisfaction and gain competitive benefits. The text mining devices like IBM text analytics.This mining can be used in the telecom sector, commerce, and customer chain management system....

Advantages of Text Mining

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Disadvantages of Text Mining

Complexity: Text mining can be a complex process requiring advanced skills in natural language processing and machine learning. Quality of Data: The quality of text data can vary, affecting the accuracy of the insights extracted from text mining. High Computational Cost: Text mining requires high computational resources, and it may be difficult for smaller organizations to afford the technology. Limited to Text Data: Text mining is limited to extracting insights from unstructured text data and cannot be used with other data types. Noise in text mining results: Text mining of documents may result in mistakes. It’s possible to find false links or to miss others. In most situations, if the noise (error rate) is sufficiently low, the benefits of automation exceed the chance of a larger mistake than that produced by a human reader. Lack of transparency: Text mining is frequently viewed as a mysterious process where large corpora of text documents are input and new information is produced. Text mining is in fact opaque when researchers lack the technical know-how or expertise to comprehend how it operates, or when they lack access to corpora or text mining tools....


Text mining extracts valuable insights from unstructured text, aiding decision-making across diverse fields. Despite challenges, its applications in academia, healthcare, business, and more demonstrate its significance in converting textual data into actionable knowledge....

Text Mining- FAQs

What is text mining with example?...