Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Distribution of Earthquakes:

– Most earthquakes occur along tectonic plate boundaries, where plates interact and create stress and friction.

– The majority of earthquakes happen at convergent boundaries, where one tectonic plate is subducted (pushed under) another plate. Examples include the Pacific Ring of Fire and the Himalayan region.

– Earthquakes also frequently occur along transform boundaries, where plates grind past each other horizontally, such as the San Andreas Fault in California.

– Some earthquakes can happen within plates, often due to the movement of molten rock or stress built up over time.

Distribution of Volcanoes:

– Most volcanoes are found along the boundaries of tectonic plates, especially at convergent boundaries and divergent boundaries (where plates move apart).

– Major concentrations of volcanoes occur along the Pacific Ring of Fire, a region encircling the Pacific Ocean where many tectonic plates meet and interact.

– Volcanic activity is also seen at hot spots, which are stationary areas of high heat within the Earth’s mantle that can create chains of volcanoes as plates move over them, such as the Hawaiian Islands.

– Volcanoes are also found at mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity.

Description of Earthquake and Volcano| Class 11 Geography Notes

Volcanoes and earthquakes are awe-inspiring natural phenomena that arise from the powerful forces shaping the Earth’s surface. These geological events are intricately linked to the movement and interactions of tectonic plates, as well as the intense heat and pressure within the planet’s interior.

Let us learn more about earthquakes and volcanoes!

Description of Earthquake and Volcano| Class 11 Geography Notes

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