DNS Round Robin

DNS Round Robin is a simple load balancing technique that helps in distributing the incoming traffic across the servers or resources available by rotating the order in which the IP addresses are returned by DNS (Domain Name System) responses. It’s often used to provide a level of fault tolerance. However, DNS round robin is not a very powerful solution for handling a load balancer crash.

How to handle a Load Balancer crash?

Load Balancer crash refers to a sudden failure of a load-balancing system that helps in distributing the network traffic across multiple servers and resources of a system.

This crash disrupts the even and balanced distribution of traffic and resources, which leads to service outages and more amount of pressure or strain on the remaining resources, which leads to other potential failures. Some of the ways to prevent or handle Load Balancer crashes are:

Important Ways to Prevent Load Balancer Crash

  • Redundancy and Failover:
  • Health Checks:
  • Load Balancer Clustering:
  • DNS Round Robin:
  • Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB):
  • Monitoring and Alerting:
  • Manual Intervention:
  • Regular Maintenance:
  • Backup Load Balancer Configuration:
  • Load Testing and Redundant Capacity:
  • Conclusion:

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Redundancy and Failover:


Health Checks:

Active-Active or Active-Passive Configuration: Set up several load balancing instances in active-active or active-passive mode. In an active-active configuration, each load balancer shares the traffic load, whereas in an active-passive configuration, only one load balancer is in use. One of the backup load balancers takes over if the active load balancer fails. Virtual IP (VIP) Failover: Utilize a virtual IP address (VIP) that each load balancer shares. The VIP can be switched to one of the backup load balancers if the primary load balancer fails, ensuring that clients continue to receive traffic....

Load Balancer Clustering:

Load balancers should be configured to perform health checks on each other on a regular basis. In the event that a load balancer does not pass the health checks, it will be automatically marked as a failed load and other load balancers will be able to takeover and manage traffic properly....

DNS Round Robin:

It is a technique that helps in enabling or deploying numerous load balancers together to operate as a single logical unit. This helps in ensuring system resilience and reliability. In this technique two or more load balancers work together to efficiently distribute the incoming traffic across resouces available. This redundancy helps in maintaining availability and uptime of the application as the traffic can be redirected easily to other healthy Load Balancers incase of a load balancer crash...

Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB):

DNS Round Robin is a simple load balancing technique that helps in distributing the incoming traffic across the servers or resources available by rotating the order in which the IP addresses are returned by DNS (Domain Name System) responses. It’s often used to provide a level of fault tolerance. However, DNS round robin is not a very powerful solution for handling a load balancer crash....

Monitoring and Alerting:

Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) is a more advanced and better approach to handle load balancer crashes and ensures high availability and fault tolerance for distributed applications and services. GSLB goes beyond the standards of traditional local load balancing and offers global traffic management across several data centers or geographical regions....

Manual Intervention:

Monitoring and alerting helps in the early detection of load balancer issues/errors by continuously checking its health and performance. When a load balancer crash is detected, alerts are triggered, notifying the administrators or the automated systems. This on-time alerting allows for rapid response, such as failover to a backup load balancer, which helps in reducing the downtime and ensuring uninterrupted service availability i.e high availability....

Regular Maintenance:

Manual intervention refers to the human action required to solve and handle a load balancer crash. To handle a load balancer crash quickly, in particular during planned maintenance or unexpected failures, make sure your operations team is prepared and trained to handle manual failovers....

Backup Load Balancer Configuration:

Perform regular maintenance and updates i.e keep your load balancers up to date with the latest software patches and configurations. Regularly test Test failover procedures regularly to ensure they work are working as expected...

Load Testing and Redundant Capacity:

We should keep a backup of your load balancer’s configuration so that, if necessary, you can quickly deploy a new load balancer with the same configuration as soon as possible....