Docker Architecture

Docker architecture consists of Docker client, Docker Daemon running on Docker Host, and Docker Hub repository. Docker has client-server architecture in which the client communicates with the Docker Daemon running on the Docker Host using a combination of REST APIs, Socket IO, and TCP. If we have to build the Docker image, then we use the client to execute the build command to Docker Daemon then Docker Daemon builds an image based on given inputs and saves it into the Docker registry. If you don’t want to create an image then just execute the pull command from the client and then Docker Daemon will pull the image from the Docker Hub finally if we want to run the image then execute the run command from the client which will create the container. 



Containerization using Docker

Docker is the containerization platform that is used to package your application and all its dependencies together in the form of containers to make sure that your application works seamlessly in any environment which can be developed or tested or in production. Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. 

Docker is the world’s leading software container platform. It was launched in 2013 by a company called Dotcloud, Inc which was later renamed Docker, Inc. It is written in the Go language. It has been just six years since Docker was launched yet communities have already shifted to it from VMs. Docker is designed to benefit both developers and system administrators making it a part of many DevOps toolchains. Developers can write code without worrying about the testing and production environment. Sysadmins need not worry about infrastructure as Docker can easily scale up and scale down the number of systems. Docker comes into play at the deployment stage of the software development cycle. 


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Docker Architecture

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