Docker Build

What is Docker build context?

Docker build context is a set of files and directories that sent to the Docker daemon for building Docker images.

Can I include files from outside the build context in my Docker image?

No, Docker’s build context supports in including files and directories within its specified path.

How can I prevent sensitive files from being included in the Docker build context?

By excluding sensitive files by specifying in a .dockerignore file listing files and directories to be ignored during the build process.

What is the purpose of a Dockerfile?

A Dockerfile is a text document file that contains assemble instructions for building a Docker image.

Can I use environment variables in a Dockerfile?

Yes, You can use environment variables in a Dockerfile for configuring and customizing Docker image builds.

How To Include Files Outside Of Docker’s Build Context ?

In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to include files outside of Docker’s build context on an AWS EC2 instance. This process allows you to access files located outside of the Docker build context within your Docker container. We’ll demonstrate this with an Apache web server setup on an EC2 instance.

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By following these steps, you can include files located outside of Docker’s build context within your Docker container running on an AWS EC2 instance. This approach allows for greater flexibility in managing and deploying applications using Docker while utilizing resources outside of the container environment....

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What is Docker build context?...