Docker Compose up Specific Service

To bring up a specific service using Docker Compose, you can use the following command:

docker-compose up <service_name>

For example we can up the database service

docker-compose up db

Here the database service up and running refer the below image for your reference.

What Is Docker Compose up?

Docker Compose is a powerful tool utilized for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It improves on the most common way of managing complex applications composed of multiple interconnected services by allowing you to characterize their configuration in a single YAML file.

With Docker Compose, you can undoubtedly turn up and manage environments comprising of multiple containers, like web servers, databases, and different services, all orchestrated and interconnected to work together seamlessly. This essentially streamlines out the turn-of-events, testing, and deployment of applications, making it an important tool in current software development work processes.

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Primary Technologies

Docker: Docker is a platform that empowers developers to develop, build, and run applications utilizing containerization technology. Containers are lightweight, portable, and isolated conditions that package an application and its dependencies, allowing it to run reliably across various conditions. Services: In Docker Compose, the term “services” refers to distinct application components that run in their own containers. Services are defined in the docker-compose.yml file and can incorporate arrangement choices, for example, the Docker image to use, environment variables, ports to expose, volumes to mount, and so on. Each help commonly relates to a particular capability inside the application, like a web server, a database, or a cache server. Docker Compose: Docker offers a tool called Docker Compose for creating and running multi-container Docker applications. It improves on the most common way of dealing with numerous compartments by allowing developers to characterize their application’s services, networks, and volumes in a single YAML file (docker-compose.yml). Docker Compose File (docker-compose.yml): The structure of a multi-container Docker application is defined by the Docker Compose file, a YAML-formatted configuration file. It provides definitions for each and every service, network, and volume that the application requires. The Docker image to use, ports to expose, environment variables, volumes to mount, and dependencies between services are all specified in the file for each service. YAML, or “YAML Ain’t Markup Language,”: YAML is a data serialization language that can be read by humans and is frequently used for configuration files. The docker-compose.yml file in Docker Compose is written in YAML to define the application stack’s configuration. YAML documents utilize various leveled structures with space to address information, making them simple to peruse and compose for two people and machines....

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