Docker Daemon Functions

  • Container Management: This involves overseeing the creation, execution, and termination of containers. This actions are performed based on commands received from the Docker client.
  • Networking and Storage: Docker daemon enables seamless integration with resources with the underlying Operating System. Docker Daemon provides containers with access to network ports, storage volumes, and other essential components.
  • Push & Pull images from registry: When a requested image or container isn’t already available locally, Docker daemon interacts with Docker Registry to fetch and deploy the requested resources.
  • Host Operating System: Docker daemon utilizes host operating system resources to manage containers. It communicates with the kernel of the host operating system to execute container operations.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Docker daemons architecture allows seamless integration with third-party tools and extensions. This enables further customization of container environments.

What Is Docker Daemon ?

Docker is synonymous with containerization, yet it is just one of the many implementations of the Open Container Initiative (OCI). As the most widely embraced containerization platform, Docker has greatly streamlined the development and deployment of modern applications. At the core of Docker’s operation is the Docker daemon, an underlying background service running on the host OS, responsible for executing all Docker tasks.

In this article, we will be covering understanding its key functions, Integration with other docker components, and some basic configuration

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Docker Daemon Functions

Container Management: This involves overseeing the creation, execution, and termination of containers. This actions are performed based on commands received from the Docker client. Networking and Storage: Docker daemon enables seamless integration with resources with the underlying Operating System. Docker Daemon provides containers with access to network ports, storage volumes, and other essential components. Push & Pull images from registry: When a requested image or container isn’t already available locally, Docker daemon interacts with Docker Registry to fetch and deploy the requested resources. Host Operating System: Docker daemon utilizes host operating system resources to manage containers. It communicates with the kernel of the host operating system to execute container operations. Scalability and Flexibility: Docker daemons architecture allows seamless integration with third-party tools and extensions. This enables further customization of container environments....

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